Binary Options Trading Testimonials 3


Testimonials from our customers.

To Whom It May Concern. I live in NEW ZEALAND and I have purchased your product in the past. Due to my lack of computer knowledge I had somehow altered the settings that one of your kind people had set up for me originally. This I must say was in no way intentional. I contacted your company and dealt with a gentleman named Don. Don was absolutely brilliant and he sorrted my problem out via TEAM VIEWER and did in a few minutes something that would have taken me weeks and I still would not have got it done. I found DON to be an ABSOLUTE GREAT PERSON to deal with and he is A CREDIT TO YOUR COMPANY. If the rest of your staff are half as good as Don then you have a great company. People who use computers every day all day do not understand that people like myself have great difficulty with sorting these things out but Don was nothing but a pleasure and even though I am sure I was a pain to him he did nothing but help me out when I needed it. I do not know who will read this but I hope it gets to the right person because as far as I am concerned Don is FANTASTIC. I know people are quick enough to complain about service but very rarely let management know when someone on their staff has gone the extra mile to help the customer feel comfortable which is exactly what Don did. Once again thank you very much for your service to me.

Gavin, New Zealand.

Haven’t posted here in a while. I just wanted to say that I am still actively finding success with Binary Options Bullet and that this binary options system shouldn’t be slept on.

After 6 months there is still no other binary software that compares. I expect only more good things to come in the future. Keep up the good work!

I used it for less than 2 weeks, Traded $25 – $50 per trade.

Forexus, California.

I am currently doing 77% with bullet.

A bit of a hot streak, I’ve traded 10 signals this month because I’ve been a little busy.